Помогите прошу номер три там времена



Ответ дал: ataosa
He usually gets up at 7 o'clock
Mary never takes pills when she has a headache
I will be in the 5th form next year
My grandma does not listen to the radio on Sundays
The plane crashed 5 years ago
Is he walking now?
The robber didn't steal all the money from the bank last week
Please, give me a rope ladder
The children will shelter in a cave tomorrow
it is getting late at the moment
My best friend will not come to my place after school tomorrow.  He is angry with me.
My grandparents always give me presents on my birthday
I don't think, he will call us in a week
We can't go outside. It is raining now?
Did you buy some bread for sandwiches yesterday?
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