Помогите с английским языком!!!СРОЧНО!
Задание:Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
Hi, Katie, How are you? Yesterday while I (clean) the attic, I (come) across some old photos from so I (think) of you! We (both/change) in the last few years! I(study) really hard lately because I really (want) to win the scholarship I (tell) you about the last time you (be) in town.


Ответ дал: nunny
Hi, Katie, How are you? Yesterday while I (was cleaning) the attic, I (came) across some old photos from so I (thought) of you! We (have both/changed) in the last few years! I(have been studying) really hard lately because I really (want) to win the scholarship I (told) you about the last time you (were) in town.
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