помогите срочно!
1.Fill in the gaps with must,may,cant
She wears awful make-up and has no taste in clothes.She ... be a designer.
Evryone in the hospital respects James.People say he is very good at operating on patientes.He ... be a surgeon.
Jim knows nothing about engines and cars.He ... be a mechanic.
I dont know about his plans for yhis weekend.He ... be busy.
2.Make sentences using the following words.
Ability\foreign\is\very\to speak\languages\userful
I\a mechanic\wouldnt\being\mind
This\gives\job\you\an\opportunity\people\to meet\new


Ответ дал: ssshhh3
1. cant
2. must
3. cant
4. may

Ability to speak foreign languages is very useful.
I wouldnt mind being a mechanic.
This job gives an opportunity to meet new people.

gagarinz: можно еще один номер пожалуйста.
Fill in the gaps to complete the expressions do my best,do harm,do without,do good
1she cant ... a secreatary.
2My teachers and my parents arent happy with my marks at school.but i really ... at school.
3Fast food will ... ro your health.
4It wikk ... you... to do sports
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