Напиши вопросы как в примере


  For example:

Where did you go last night ?

    I went to a fast food restaurant.


  1)_____________ with you ?

     John and Helen.


   2) _____________  ?

      Cheeseburgers and chips.



           We left at 9 :30 .

      4)___________ so early ?

     Because John had a headache.


    5) Oh really ? 5)______ now ?


      Much better.6) ____ last night ?


     Nothing . I stayed at home and watched TV.




Ответ дал: fm98

1.who did go2)what did you buy3)when did you leave4)why did you leave5)how he is6)what did you do

Ответ дал: Айнаш

Who went with you

What did you eat

When did you leave

Why did yiou leave so early

How is he now

What did you do last night

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