Use Present Continuous or Present Simple to complete the sentences.
1.Where"s Jane?- She ______a shower.(have)
2.My lessons _____at 9:00.(start)
3.Tom never ______computer games before he _____his homework.(play,finish)
4.Nick and Peter _____chess at the moment. (play)
5.____you____a cow these days?(milk)
6.What time ____your train ____?(leave)
7.Be quiet.The baby ____(sleep)


Ответ дал: танец
1. Where's Jane? -She is taking a shower.
2. My lessons start at 9:00.
3. Tom never plays computer games before he finishes his homework.
4. Nick and Peter are playing chess at the moment.
5. Are you milking a cow these days? (точно не знаю)
6. What time does your train leave?
7. Be quiet. The baby is sleeping.
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