СРОЧНО!Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом.

When people have some problems like being ___ or having lost appetite, they go to see the doctor in his___ . Every doctor has a ___ to help him. When the doctor sees ___ in his surgery, first he listens to their problems, then he ___ them. He takes the patient's temperature, listens to his___ , looks in his ears, eyes, takes his___ . Then, if the ___ isn't so serious, he ___ some medicine. Later the patient will take the ___to the___. If something is seriously wrong with the patient, the doctor sends him to hospital for___ .

1.patients2.treatment3.examines4.chest5.depressed6.blood pressure 7.prescribes8.surgery9.disease10.chemist11.nurse12.prescription.

заранее спасибо


Ответ дал: vasiliy722001
1 depressed
2 chemist
3 nurse
4 patients
5 examines
6 chest
7 blood pressure
8 disease
9 prescribes
10 prescription
11 treatment
12 surgery

adamyanksyusha: Спасибо большое:)
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