помогите,пожалуйста,очень срочно
present continuous. put the verb in the correct form
1) the cat (not/to play) in the garden
2) our teachers (to sit) at the school meeting
3) the boys (to play) football
4) my mother (to talk) to my father
5) bob and tom (listen to) the radio now
6) tom (not/to walk) to school
7) ____ Ann ____ (to work) in the kitchen at the moment?
8) my sister (to cook) lunch
9) the lady over there (to speak) on the phane
10) my mother (not/to work) at an office


Ответ дал: musician19
1)the cat is not playing in the garden
2)our teachers are sitting at the school meeting
3) the boys are playing football
4) my mother is talking to my father
5) bob and tom are listening to the radio now
6)tom is not walking to school
7)is Ann working in the kitchen at the moment?
8) my sister is cooking lunch
9)the lady over there is speaking on the phone
10)my mother is not working at an office
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