Напишите степени сравнения данных прилагательных: Sad,happy, grey, far, honourable, bad, dry, near, old, complete, unusual. 2) Slow, remarkable, tall, young, good, not, tasty, cheap, large, high, busy, many.


Ответ дал: galina572319
1)Sadder - the saddest; 
Happier - the happiest; 
Greyer - the greyest; 
Farther - the farthest; и Further - the furthest;
More honourable - the most honourable; 
Worse - the worst;
Drier - the driest;
Nearer - the nearest;
Older - the oldest; и Elder - the eldest;
More complete - the most complete;
More unusual - the most unusual;
Slower - the slowest;
More remarkable - the most remarkable;
Taller - the tallest;
Younger - the youngest;
Better - the best;
Hot - the hottest
Tastier - the tastiest;
Cheaper - the cheapest;
Larger - the largest;
Higher - the highest;
Busier - the busiest;
More - the most

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