Задание №2. Напиши по образцу: (interesting) This book is more interesting than that book.

1. (beautiful) Ann's picture is...Jerry's picture.

2. (beautiful) The first bird is....the second bird.

3. (interesting) This lesson is....that lesson.

4. (interesting) Mary's poem is...Nick's poem.

5. (curious) Jack is......his brother.


Ответ дал: jossypp
1. more beautiful
2. more beautiful
3. more interesting
4.  more interesting
5. more curious
Ответ дал: agayeva89
Ann's picture is.more beatiful.than.Jerry's picture.

2. The first bird is.more beautiful..than .the second bird.

3.This lesson is..more interesting.than .that lesson.

4. Mary's poem is.more interesting.than .Nick's poem.

5. Jack is....more curious than ..his brother.
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