Заполните пропуски используя some\any\no.
1.There are ___ carrots in the fridge. I can\t make soup.
2.There is ____ coffee in the cup,but it is very hot.
3.Is there ___cheese in the fridge.
4. There isn\t ___ juice in the glass.
5.There are ___ grapes on the plate. They are green.
6. They\ve got ___ buns in this shop.
7.I\d like ___ potatoes , please.
8.Have you got ___ ice-cream?
9.There aren\t ___ boys in the team!
10.There are ___ video shops in the town!


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1.There are NO carrots in the fridge. I can't make soup.

2.There is SOME coffee in the cup,but it is very hot.

3.Is there ANY cheese in the fridge?

4. There isn't ANY juice in the glass.

5.There are SOME grapes on the plate. They are green.

6. They've got SOME buns in this shop.

7.I'd like SOME potatoes , please.

8.Have you got ANY ice-cream?

9.There aren't ANY boys in the team!

10.There are NO/SOMEvideo shops in the town!

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