Помогите пожалуйста , заменить существительные на местоимения
My brother(............)could not watch these films(........)on the first channel(..............). If Mary (............)calls, tell Mary (..............) that her friends(.........) are waiting for Mary(............) in the sports ground (..................) in front of the park (..............). Alise will buy much sugar (.............)and a little salt (................). There were some huge trees (..............)around the lake (.........). The children(...............) are going to come with their aunt(..............).


Ответ дал: agayeva89
My brother(.....he.......)could not watch these films(...them.....)on the first channel(.......it.......). If Mary (.....she.......)calls, tell Mary (.......her.......) that her friends(.....they....) are waiting for Mary(........her....) in the sports ground (......it.......) in front of the park (.......it.......). Alise will buy much sugar (......it.......)and a little salt (.........it.......). There were some huge trees (......they........)around the lake (....it.....). The children(.........they......) are going to come with their aunt(.....her.........).
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