3. Revision of Passives: write the Passive verbs in the correct tenses then translate the sentences into your native language.

Your class .......... by Mrs. Nash on Monday next week. (teach)
Five hundred years ago, Latin .......... by people all over Europe. (speak)
I'm working at home today because my office .......... (paint)
Someone's been using my desk - all my papers .......... (move).
'Two' and 'too' .......... the same. (pronounce)


Ответ дал: Rauau1999
1) Your class will be taught by Mrs.Nash on Monday next week.
Ваш класс будет обучен mrs.Nash в следующий понедельник
2) five hundred years ago, Latin was spoken by people all over Europe.
Пятьсот лет назад, на латинском разговаривали люди со всей Европы.
3) I'm working at home today because my office is being painted.
Сегодня я работаю дома, потому что мой офис красят
4) someone's been using my desk- all my papers were moved
Кто-то пользовался моим столом- все бумаги сдвинуты
5) "Two" and "Too" are pronounced the same
"Two" и "Too" произносятся одинаково
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