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Ted said to his mom that he see her later.
Susan asked him where he was going tot go.
Ted said that he had told Amber he'd drop by
Susan asked where them two were going to go
Ted said that may be went to the movies or to a party. Their plans were still up in the air
Susan asked why didn't he invite here over there
Ted said that he didn't want to hang around there. Dad was really down in the dumps
Susan asked was Amber the girl with nose ring and the purple hair
Ted said yeah and that he was crazy about her.
Susan asked him not to take that wrong way, but she was not exfctly her cup of tea.
Ted asked her to take that easy. And that they were not planning to get married. They just enjoy hanging out together.
Susan said that she guess there was no accounting for taste and wished to have a good time
Ted said her not to worry and that they would have a blast
Susan said that was she afraid of.



Ответ дал: fretyno
Ted said to his mom that he SAW her later.
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