помогите решить срочно англиский



Ответ дал: Аноним
Задание №2:
2) a.What are you doing on Saturday ?
    b.What are you doing at the weekend?
3) a.They often go out in the evenings.
    b.They often go out on Sunday evenings
4) a.Do you work on Wednesdays?
    b.Do you work every Wednesday?
5) a.We usually have a holiday in the summer
    b.We often have a short holiday at Christmas
6) a.Paul got married in 1991
    b. Pauline got married on 18 May 1991
    c.Chris is getting married this year
Задание №3:
1.Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756
2.I haven't seen Kate for a few days.I last sawher on Tuesday

Complete the sentences with in,at or on:
2.I like that picture hanging on the wall in the kitchen
3.There was an anccident on the crossroads this morning
4. Не видно вторую часть предложения
5.At the end of the street threre is a path leading to the river
6.You'll find the sports results at the back page of the newspaper
7.Тоже вторая часть не до конца
8.My brother lives in a small village in the south-west of England
9.The headquarters of the company are in Milan
10.Nicola was wearing a silver ring on her little finger

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