1. Make sentences and questions with these words.
1) cousins / on / gone / Joanna's / have / holiday / just.
2) already / his / Tom / booked / holiday / has.
3) spoken / you / your / yet / to / Have / boss?
4) house / already / decided / to / We've / move.
5) I've / in / that / heard / is / father / just / hospital / my.
6) wedding / I / my / the / told / haven't / parents / yet / about.
7) Melanie / dress / owns / wonderful / and / evening / gold.
8) your grandmother / still / 1960s / does / that / washing machine / use?
9) help / clean / me / can / the / you / kitchen?
10) eggs / buy / you / some / to / did / remember?

2... Use the correct verb form
1) Let's go for a walk. The rain stop) and the sun(shine).
2) If you(help) me, I (do) this work well.
3) I always (get) up at 8 o'clock but tomorrow I get up a little later.
4) When I(come home yesterday, my brother(sleep).
5) This little boy never(see) a crocodile.
6) He(read) a book at five o'clock yesterday.
7) My mend(like pies, не cat pies every day. When I(meet) him in the street yesterday, he(eat) a pie. He(tell) me that he(buy) that pie at the corner of the street.
8) She is very happy: her son(finish) school.
9) I never(be) to the Bahamas.
10). Look! Kate(wash) all the dishes.
11) I(return) to the hotel only late at night as I dose) my way in the fog. When to my room, (see) Pec who and at the door of the room. He(wait) for me se) his key and could not get in.
12) (sit) in an armchair and think) of my coming trip across the North Sea wh suddenly(open) and an old friend of mine whom I(see) for a very long time
13) When Ifirst(tell) Tom the news, he(not/believe) me. He(think) that I to
14)We can go out now. It(rain) any more.
15) what(you do) in your spare time? Have got any hobbies?
16) That's that noise? What...(happen)?
17)yesterday evening the phone(ring) three times while we(have) dinner.


Ответ дал: oskar30
1) cousins have just gone on Joanna's holiday
2)Tom has already booked his holoday
3) Have you spoken to your boss yet?
4)We've already decided to move house
5)I've just heard that my father in hospitar
6) i haven't told my parents about the wedding
8)Does your grandmother use that washing machine still 1960s?
9)can you help me clean the kitchen?
10)Did you remember to buy some eggs?
1)let's go for a walk .The rain stoped and the sun is shining
2)lf you help me, I will do this work well
3) I always gets up at 8 but tomrrow i get up a little later
4) when i came ......my brother slept
5)....never sees ....
6)he read....
7)....When i met him in ....he ate a pie.He told me that he bought.....
8)...her son finished ...
9) i never be....
10)Kate is washing...
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