Сделать предложения вопросительными
1.the children were playing in the house at 6 o'clock
2.john was sitting in the house when tom came
3.mary was doing her lessons when the telephone rang
4. the teacher was speaking at that moment
5. the student was reading when the teacher interrupted him
6. we were having our dinner when we heard the news
7. i was writing the letter when my frieng came
8. the child was crying when i came
9. mother was cooking when the bell rang
10. he was driving when we saw him


Ответ дал: ЛилияL
1were the children playing in the house at 6 o'clock 2was John sitting in the house when Tom came 3was Mary doing her lessons when the telephone rang 4was the teacher speaking at that moment 5was the student reading when the teacher interrupted him 6were we having our dinner when we heard the news 7was I writing the letter when my friend came 8was the child crying when I came 9was mother cooking when the bell rang 10was he driving when we saw him
Ответ дал: крутой2005
1.the children were playing in the house at 6 o'clock ?
2.john was sitting in the house when tom came ?
3.mary was doing her lessons when the telephone rang ?
4. the teacher was speaking at that moment ?
5. the student was reading when the teacher interrupted him?
6. we were having our dinner when we heard the news?
7. i was writing the letter when my frieng came?
8. the child was crying when i came?
9. mother was cooking when the bell rang?
10. he was driving when we saw him ?

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