Use FUTURE INDEFINITE or PRESENT INDEFINITE in the sentences. 1)If the wind (blow),we (not,go) to the forest.2) I (write) to you,when I (come) to Moskow.3)Nina (take) the umbrella,if it (rain).4) I (help) Pete to bring water,if he (ask) me.5)Next summer we (spend) our holidays on the farm.6)Many students (come) to the village in September to help the farmers.7) If I (be ill),I (stay) at home.8) ''I (become) a nurse", she says to the teacher.9) I (be busy) tonight,don't come to me.10) We (watch) TV next Saturday.


Ответ дал: F1staShka
Там где if, soon, after, when - present.
1. if the wind blow we will not go
2. i'll write to you when i come to moskow
3.nina will take the umbrelld if it rain
4. i'll help pete to bring water if he ask me summer we'll spend our holidays on farm
6.many students will come to the village in september to help the farmers
7.if i be ill i'll stay at home
8.i'll become a nurse she says to the teacher
9.i'll be busy tonight dont come to me
10. we'll watch tv next saturday

liloadamyan: А 3) ж конце не if it rains? Rain ж конце s?
liloadamyan: Извините, не ж конце,а В конце
F1staShka: ой, точно, не заметила) if it rainS)
liloadamyan: Огромное спасибо Вам
F1staShka: да не за что) и в 4 if he askS
liloadamyan: Да,так и написала,спасибо Вам
F1staShka: хорошо, удачи)))
liloadamyan: Spasibo i Vam!!!
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