Future perfect

Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Perfect.

Example: He _____________ (to pack) the suitcase by tomorrow.
Answer: He will have packed the suitcase by tomorrow.

1. Rae _________________________ (to repair) her bike next week.

2. We ____________________________ (to do) the washing by 8 o'clock.

3. She ____________________________(to visit) Paris by the end of next year.

4. I _____________________________(to finish) this by 6 o'clock.

5. Sam __________________________(to leave) by next week.

6. She _________________________ (to discuss) this with her mother tonight.

7. The police _____________________ (to arrest) the murderer in one months time.

8. They __________________________ (to write) their essay by tomorrow.

9. Ralph _______________________ (to manage) the teams.

10. If we can do that - then we ______________________ (to fulfil) our mission.


Ответ дал: gagaaguilerovna
1. will have repaired
2. shall have done
3. will have visited
4. shall have finished
5. will have left
6. will have discussed
7. will have arrested
8. will have written
9. will have managed
10. shall have fulfilled
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