Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 A: How is your English?
B: Notbad.It______(get)better.
2 I usually ______ (finish) work at six o’clock, and it ______ (take) me ten minutes to walk home.
3 You should turn your lights on. It ______ (get) dark.
4 ______ you always ______ (listen) to music in the car?
5 I ______ (live) with my parents until I can find an apartment to buy.
6 A: Shall we go out for a walk? B: Notnow.It______(rain).Помогите поставить в нужную форму


Ответ дал: madinashaizaman
1. It is getting better.
2. I usually finish, it takes.
3. It is getting dark.
4. Do you always listen
5. I have lived
6. It is raining.

aleskin73gmail: Спасибо большое
bizon40: В 5-ом - live (Present Perfect не подходит здесь) Я живу с родителями пока не смогу купить квартиру
madinashaizaman: Извиняюсь в 5-ом Past Perfect, значит правильно будет "I had lived"
bizon40: Неееееет ))) Там будет "I live". В задании же четко сказано: Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Там нет времен группы Perfect
vladbigma: Complete the paragraph with Present Simple or Present ContinuousIt`s 8 p.m. Jack os at home. He ... (watch) Люди помогите што выбрать презент сымпл или презент континионс и добавьте там буквы найдите этот текст
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