You are going to a party. Your parents ask you to be back at 10 p.m.Persuade them to let you come home later. You are already fourteen, and know how to behave.

P.S. В виде монолога, с максимальным использованием лексики уровня 8-9 класа. Буду благодарна за какой нибудь намек на юмор (чуть-чуть, без фанатизма). Пожалуйста, напишите поскорее. Спасибо!


Ответ дал: Nеlli
- Hey mum. I'm going to party at Hanna's house and I was wondering if I can possibly come later than 10p.m?
- Honey, you're only 14. 
- Exactly mom! I'm 14 and I already know how to behave.
- Hmm. 
- Besides, it's just a girl-invited party, there won't be any boys, except Hanna's 8 years old brother. We plan to order a pizza and make a tonnes of cookies. 
- Ok, but it's not safe to walk alone on the streets that late.
- I have a solution for this. Mary's father is going to drive us there and back.
- Cool, that may work.
- Thanks mommy, you're the best!
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