Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!! Answer the question using the words in brackets
Example :what Molly (to do) yesterday? -Moly went to the theater yesterday
1.what they (to do) in the park yesterday? (to sledge the hills)
2.where she usually (to spend) her winter vacation? (London)
3.What present you (to like) to get? (books and toys) помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!

evgent971: Я умоляю помогите пожалуйста
evgent971: Ну пожалуйста
evgent971: Ну пожалуйста помогите


Ответ дал: dAlison
What did they do in the park yesterday? They sledged the hills yesterday. Where does she usually spend her winter vacation? She usually spends her winter vacation in London. What presents do you like to get? I like to get books and toys.
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