1. She … … for the family business for 25 years.
1) has worked
2) have worked
3) to have worked
4) has been worked
2. … the manager … the letter when he was called to the director’s office?
1) Has … write
2) To have … written
3) Has … written
4) Had … written
3. We … … the talks for 2 months before the contract was signed.
1) to have had
2) have had
3) had had
4) has had


Ответ дал: nina481
1/ has been worked
2/ had written  
3/ had had.
Ответ дал: yaltis
1. She Has been worked for the family business for 25 years.
2. She Had the manager writen the letter when he was called to the director’s office?

3. We had had the
talks for 2 months before the contract was signed.


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