Небольшая история, что бы рассказать учителю, не меньше чем 3 минуты., и не больше чем 5 минут
Очень срочно, желательно историю про собак)


Ответ дал: MeisiMisa2003
My friend has got a dog.His name is Rocky.Two years ago he was very small,but now he is quite big.Rocky has got a red wool with red and brown spots.He is very active and cool.His eyes look at me very kind.He was our best friend.We always playd with him.But one day he was ill.He looked lifeless, moving only his eyes. He was so emaciated, just skin and bones. At first he could not even stand, he was very weak.We took care of he.We were so sad.FinallyIt it  turned out that when he was walking ar the street  he saw a guy who done to he a very bad thing.The dog bit his and the boy threw the dog in the garbage chute.
But then polive found his and our dog was healthy again.
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