Небольшая рецензия (типа критик) на Макдоналдс

ЛиичкаКрасоточка: Это вам по какому предмету задали?!?хD


Ответ дал: BangeBo
First Russian McDonald's was opened in 1990. It's so old, but it still popular here. I like the food from this restaurant.
So, there are a lot of advantages. First of all, it's really taste. You don't resist remarkable taste of a hamburger.
Second, it's so cheap that everyone can afford it.
I think all this restaurant have their own wi-fi network. And I love all this charity events to support of children's homes.

But, there are a few minuses which play a big role in our life.
For example, scientists proved a long time ago that fast food is not healthy for you. Nobody knows what exactly products use this restaurant. We think it's all natural, but it's not true.

Next, the taste between original, for example, hamburger, and taste of Russian burger is so different. So we don;t know how it's actually tastes.

In the end, I want to say one thing. Of course fast food is taste and cheap, but befor you buy another one burger, think about your health and purse

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