Вставьте артикли a/an//or no article
1)Once there lived...three little kittens.
2)Once there lived...elephant.
3)Once there lived...clever elephant.
4)Once there lived...old woman.
5)Once there lived...six little mice.
6)Once there lived...beautiful princess.
7)Once there lived...ugly princess.
8)Once there lived...very little birds.


Ответ дал: zulal1
1. -
2. an
3. a
4. an
6. a
7. an
8. a
артикул or вроде нигде не ставиться...

vovazhelyabin: Вставьте артикли a/an/the/or no article
1)...Tom is...little boy.
2)...Tom is ...little.
3)...Bob and...Tom are...friends.
4)Where is...red ball?-It's in ...kitchen.
5)I have got... red ball. ...ball is big.
6)...Mr Black was in ...Russia....last year.
7)I have got...aunt.She has got...nice rabbit. ...rabbit likes...carrots.
8)They have got...friends in...Great Britain
9)..different animals live in ...Africa.
10Have you got ...pet?
zulal1: а спасибо где?
zulal1: 1 a
vovazhelyabin: Половина неправильная
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