Помогите решить пожалуйста ❤️❤️❤️
use first conditional
1) if there (be) rain they (stay) at home
2) if there (be) fog Alice (not to go) to the park
3) if it (be) very hot they (go ) to they beach
4)we (have) a picnic if the weather (be) fine
5) the boys (ski) if it (snow)

Give the opposites
1) kind
2) polite
3) honest
4) careful
6) happy


Ответ дал: perevoznyukv
1) If there is rain they will stay at home 
2) If there is fog Alice won't go to the park
3) If it is very hot they will go to they beach 
4) We will have a picnic if the weather is fine 
5) The boys will ski if it snows 

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