люди как написать сочинение " как я провела лето" на англиском языке СРОЧНО

ikadochnikov: In June I took part in the rural sports festival as a cheerleader. The training took three weeks and was rather difficult but interesting. A lot of people gathered at the stadium to watch the opening ceremony. The celebration was shown on TV. I was brightly impressed by this festival. My granny visited us. I had missed her badly and was very glad to see her. We went sightseeing and I told her about the history of the town.
I spent July in a summer camp.


Ответ дал: lerochkakim04
если ты ходила в лагерь то так
I spent my summer just super. I went to lager.on was gorah.Tam I met with many people and has got friends. We went hiking, as well as vodopad.V this camp was a lot of competitions in which I vyigrovala. And also there was a lot of events.
Я провела свое лето просто супер. Я съездила в лагерь.он было в горах.Там я познакомилась со многими людьми и обзавелась друзьями. Мы ходили в поход, а также на водопад.В этом лагере было много конкурсов, в которых я выигровала. А так же там было очень очень много мероприятий

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