Infinitive or -ing
Complete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of the verb.Sometimes borh are possible.
I hope _ (earn) some money soon.
When did you finish _ (paint) the kitchen?
Don't forget _ (post) my letter!
We've decided _ (get) married in the spring.
When she saw how i was dressed,she started _ (laugh)
What do you want _ (do) tonight?
I love _ (listen) to live music.
She contined _ (talk) throughout the whole meal.
I'm trying _ (save) some money,but it is difficult


Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1) to earn
2) painting
3) to post
4) to get
5) laughing/to laugh
6) to do
7) listening
8) talking/to talk
9) to save
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