IV. Fill in the correct form of the verb.
1. Who _______that book you lent me? write
2. I didn’t hear the burglar because I ________TV. watch
3. The letter ______by first post this morning. arrive
4. The sun _____when I got up. That’s why I ______on this dress. shine, put
5. You know that already! I ______you last week. tell
6. The door bell ____while I ______into the bath. ring, get
7. The war _____in 1945, but I never _______him again. finish, see
8. I _____to John when the phone ________. speak. ring
9. I _______a cold while I ______ out in the cold. catch, wait
10. The film ________while everyone ______still ______ in. begin, come


Ответ дал: irmikh0302
1. Who wrote that book you lent me?  
2. I didn’t hear the burglar because I was watching TV.  
3. The letter has been arrived by first post this morning.  
4. The sun was shining when I got up. That’s why I`ve put on this dress.  
5. You know that already! I told you last week.   
6. The door-bell rang while I was getting into the bath.  
7. The war finished in 1945, but I have never seen him again.  
8. I was speaking to John when the phone rang.  
9. I caught a cold while I was waiting out in the cold.  
10. The film had begun while everyone was still coming in.  

irmikh0302: You are welcome!))
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