1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present form. Explain the use of each tense. Which tense forms have a future meaning?

Hi Frances,
How are you? I 1).... (be) so busy since I moved to London! And everything 2)...... (seem) so different here. I 3) ..... (like) it but I still 4) ......(feel) quite nervous! London is so busy and everyone 5) ....... (rush) around all the time. I 6) ....... (always/get) lost! And it's cold! It 7) ..... (get) colder and colder each day!
My lectures at the university 8) ..... (start) next Tuesday! I can't wait! As you know ! 9)...... (stay) with Aunty Jo since I arrived in London and she 10) ...... (help) me so much already. I 11)...... (really/enjoy) spending time with her! We often 12) ..... (chaе) for a while in the afternoon. I 13) ..... (look) for a flat of my own since I got here but I 14) ....... (not/find) one yet! As soon as I 15) ..... (get) one, you must come and stay!
Write back soon,


Ответ дал: Zihuatanejo
1) have been
2) seems
3) like
4) am still feeling
5) rushes
6) am always getting lost
7) is getting
8) start (future meaning)
9) have been staying
10) has helped 
11) really enjoy
12) chat
13) have been looking
14) have not found
15) get (future meaning)

Lily69: спасибо большое,очень помогли:)
Zihuatanejo: You are always welcome!)
Ответ дал: arinochka2000
1) have
2) seems
3) like
4) feel
5) rushes
6) am always getting
7) is getting
8) starting
9) am staying
10) has helped
11) really enjoy
12) chat (насколько я поняла, в условии ошибка)
13) looking
14) have not found
15) get

arinochka2000: 1) have been
Lily69: спасибо:3
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