Слова в скобках нужно поставить в pres simple или pres continious
Mark (belive) that UFOs exist.
Shiela (not understand ) the exercise.
I (see) Paula later today (you want) to come?
Matha (love) reading sience-fiction books.
Look! The cook (taste) the food! I think its ready.
Great! It (smell) delicious. I cant wait.
What (you look) at?


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
Mark belives that UFOs exist.
Shiela doesn't understand  the exercise.
I am seeing Paula later today. Do you want to come?
Matha loves reading sience-fiction books.
Look! The cook is tasting the food! I think its ready.
Great! It smells delicious. I cant wait.
What are you looking at?

KashapovД: Спасибо
CherryTheSweet: :-)))) ну, чем могу......обращайся
KashapovД: Помоги, пожалуйста, нужно составить рассказ о хобби 8 предложений
KashapovД: Whats your hobby? What does it involve? Hov much time do you spend on it? Does it need any special eqipment?
KashapovД: Мое хобби: танцы, я трачу на это 1 час в день . И в последнем там нет
CherryTheSweet: My hobby is dancing. I like it very much. I go dancing to the gym every day. My dancing class usually lasts for about an hour. My hobbt doen't need any special equipment
KashapovД: Сяп
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