соченение каникулы на английском


Ответ дал: rus5317651
Вот по предложениями:
1)Summer is a warm and wonderful time.
2)I like summer holidays.
3)This Summer I lived in the village.
4)There is a beautiful nature.
5)When it was hot I went swimming in the river.
6)There was a dam and I jumped thence into the river.
7)Near the village was forest.
8)In the woods my friends and I rode bikes.
9)My family and I often went fishing.
10)This summer we went fishing on the Volga.
11)Now my holidays is over and I am waiting them again.

rus5317651: эт мое сочинение, как я лето проводил, так что если не устраивает-под себя поменяй, основа по-любому есть :-)
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