Помогите пожалуйста очень надо!!!Зарание спасибо.

1. It didn't ... last week.
a) snow b) snows c) snowing
2. It... at the moment.
a) is snow b) is snowing c) snows
3. It ... rain in March.
a) isn't b) doesn't c) is
4. Has he ever ... the film?
a) see b) saw c) seen
5. He ... the film yesterday.
a) has seen b) saw c) will see
6. They never ... TV.
a) watch b) aren't watching c) don't watch
7. We can't make sandwiches.We have got ... bread.
a)some b)any c)no
8. Shealways asks a lot of questions, ... ?
a)does she b)is she c)doesn't she
9.He never traveks by plane, ... ?
a)does he b)is he c)doesn't he
10.She ... writtena letter.
a)have b)has c)is


Ответ дал: Елизавета1511
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