I. Вставьте артикли.

1. We have ________ big car. ____ car is white. It’s ______ fast car. I like ______ our car.

2. Is ______ house small?

3. I like ______ sweet coffee.

4. This is ______ apple pie. It is ______ tasty pie. I like ______ apple pies.

5. I have ______ pencil. ______ pencil is on my desk. It is ______ fine pencil.

6. Helen has ______ nice handbag. ______ handbag is black. I like ______ handbag. It’s ______ leather hand

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Ответ дал: oskokova
1.a, the, the,-.2. the. 3. a4.an, the,-. 5. a, the,a. 6. a, the,a,the. Где пробел у меня, там артикль не нужен
Ответ дал: averinnik
1. We have a big car. The car is white. It's the fast car. I like our car.
2. Is the house small?
3. I like sweet coffee.
4. This is an apple pie. It is the tasty pie. I like apple pies.
5. I have a pencil. The pencil is on my desk. It is the fine pencil.
6. Helen has a nice handbag. The handbag is black. I like the handbag. It's the leather handbag.
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