Six littel words.
There I (is,are,was) six littel words
That can help you a lot
When you hurt ( (your,you,yours) friend
On purpose or not.
So (say,says,said) the six words,
Don*t (to wait,wait,waiting) too iong!
If you*ve hurt you friend
Say,"I (is,are,am) sorry.I was wrong".

A different languange.
I met a littel girl,
Who came (another,others) land.
I (could not,can not) speak her languange,
But I (take,takes,took) her by the hand.
We danced together,
Had (much,many) fun ,
(Dancing,To dance,Dances) is the languange
You can speak with anyone.


Ответ дал: Alichka1203
1) is.
2) your.
3) say.
4) wait.
5) am.
6) another.
7) could not.
8) took.
9) much.
10) dancing.

Аноним: Спасибо
Аноним: Мне для олимпиады
Аноним: Да пошла ты, не буду гулять, безграмотная велостойка К. Камышева Владимировича
Аноним: а что делать будешь ??
Аноним: Ждать пока тебя Модераторы удалят??))))
Аноним: :D
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