ПОМОГИТЕ, ПРОШУ ВАС... очень срочно... :((



Ответ дал: irmikh0302
1.     A lot of people know English in our institution. 2. How many people work at your institution? 3. I want to know English well so I always go to lessons and do my home-tasks well. 4. I`ve got a lot of interesting books at home so I seldom go to t library. My friend is a book-keeper. Last week he advised me to read one of our young writers` new book. I like it very much. 6. How many lessons on geography and history did you visit last month? 7. My son likes literature. He`s got a lot of books of Russian and foreign writers. 8. Where did you spend your childhood? – I spent my childhood not far from Moscow. 9. Did you read any English books last month? – No, I didn`t. – I advise you to read this book. It is light and interesting. 10. When will your friend`s sister leave Moscow? – She is leaving next week. - Will she go to Kiev? – Yes, she will. 11. It is a pity that you weren`t yesterday at me. Yesterday my friend came to me and brought some interesting pictures of old Moscow. I wanted to show them to you. 12. Were any of your engineers in Minsk last week? – Yes, some our engineers went there. They will be back in a month. 13. All these books are very interesting.  I`d like to take one of them. 14. Have you got any books on the history of England? – Yes, I have. 15. Last year I didn`t any books of this writer. They were very difficult for me. 16. Don`t forget the not-books at home. Always bring them for the lessons. 17. Did you study any foreign language in your childhood? – No, I didn`t. 18. Doctors advise not to watch TV for a long time. 19. Have you got any interesting books? Bring me any of them to read, please. – OK, I`ll bring you one of my books, 20. Are there any magazines on the shelf? – No, there aren`t. There are newspapers only there. 21. All peoples of our country know and like Russian literature.

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