Пожалуйста помогите!!! Совместите действие в предложении с грамотическим временем.
1) I have found a cap
2) He is going to the market
3)The always rest in the forest
4)Yesterday I saw the monkeys at the zoo
5) He will come soon
a) present simple
b)past simple
c)Future simple
d)present perfect
e)present progressive


Ответ дал: nunny
1) I have found a cap. d)present perfect
2) He is going to the market.
e)present progressive
3)They always rest in the forest.
a) present simple
4)Yesterday I saw the monkeys at the zoo.
b)past simple
5) He will come soon.
c)Future simple

Yanaaaaaaa1: Ураа спасибооо
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