1) It is very interesting to go .... and meet new people
2) The most beautiful .... in Moscow is Red...
3) A lot of people like to go to the .... for their holidays
4) Delhi is a big ....in India.It is the ....of the country
5)There is a big new .... in the square
6) The best....for me is to go travelling in the country
Слова square,sea,abroad,thing,hotel,capital,city.


Ответ дал: nunny
1) It is very interesting to go ..abroad.. and meet new people 2) The most beautiful ..thing/place.. in Moscow is Red..Square.
3) A lot of people like to go to the ..sea.. for their holidays
4) Delhi is a big ..
city..in India.It is the ..capital.. of the country
5)There is a big new ..
hotel.. in the square
6) The best..
thing..for me is to go travelling in the country

daryabadarchi: Спасибо большое!
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