Ответьте на вопросы. 1) Why do you think many tourist come to St Petersburg.2) St Petersburg was the capital of Russia wasn't it.3) If you go to St Petersburg what plsces would you like ti see? 4) What is Winter Palace famous for? 5) Where is the Summer Garden situsted? 6) What monument can you see there? Ivan Andreevich Krylov wrote fables didnt he? Do you know any of them? 7) Where did the Russian tsars live in St Petersburg? 8) Who founded St Petersburg? When was it? 10) What names did the citi have?


Ответ дал: galina572319
1. A lot of tourists come to St. Petersburg because it is a large and beautiful city that is known as the cultural capital of Russia.
2. Yes, it was. It was the capital of Russia in 1712-1918.
3. I would prefer to visit the Winter Palace, the 
Hermitage, the Mariinsky Theatre, the Neva with its famous bridges, Kazan and Saint Isaac's Cathedrals, Nevsky Prospect and much more.
4. The Winter Palace was the first Imperial Palace and now it's the most famous building in the city, situated in Palace square.
5. The Summer Garden is situated between Kutuzov embankment and Fontanka embankment.
6. We can see there the monument called The Bronze Horseman (devoted to Peter I) and a monument, devoted to I.A.Krylov.
Krylov wrote fables. They are: The Crow and the Fox, The Elephant and the Pug, The Donkey and the Nightingale. 
7. The Russian tsars lived in the Winter Palace, which is the Hermitage museum now
8. The city of St. Petersburg was founded by tsar Peter I. It was in 1703.
10. St.Petersburg had official names: Petrograd,  Leningrad and a lot of inofficial such as  Northern Capital, Northen Paradise The City on the Neva.
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