Здравствуйте помогите пожалуйста с заданиями.

Fill in this or that:
1. __ cat is yellow and __ cat is black.
2. __ student is my neighbour.
3. __ student at the window is a graduate.
4. __ is not true!
5. Look at __ dog! It is very big.
6. __ is a peacock. It is beautiful.
7. __ house in the corner is very old.
8. __ man at the door is our boss.
9. __ is your new classmate.
10. __ book under the table is Bill’s.
11. __ picture is very relaxing.

Fill in these or those:
1. __ books are mine. I’ll put them into the bag.
2. __ toys under the bed are my brother’s.
3. __ CDs are new. I have just bought them.
4. __ pigeons on the roof are my neighbour’s.
5. __ boys are my friends.
6. __ violins on the wall are very expensive.
7. __ swans can eat from my hands.
8. __ bottles are empty.
9. __ bottle in the fridge are full of milk.
10. __ mushrooms are not eatable.
11. __ biscuits on that table are stale.

catty777: картинок к этому заданию нет?
LS101: Нет


Ответ дал: catty777
1. this, that
2. this
3. that
4. this
5. this (that)
6. that (this)
7. that
8. that
9. this
10. that
11. this
1. these
2. those
3. these
4. those
5. these
6. those
7. these
8. these
9. those
10. these
11. those

LS101: Спасибо
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