Помогите с заданием !!! Нужно найти ошибки в тексте!!! Всего их 9штук!!!! Hi!Thanks for email.Its raining outside so I am siting in the living room and I are watching the Waterland Olympic Games in TV.
At the moment the sea cows are get ready to race.Theyre sa funny!Im hungry,so I'm eating burger.Are you watching the games , two?Do you want to meat later?


Ответ дал: perevoznyukv
Hi! Thanks for your email.It's raining outside so I am sitting in the living room and I am watching the Waterland Olympic Games on TV.At the moment the sea cows are getting ready to race.They're sao funny! I'm hungry,so I'm eating a burger.Are you watching the games , too?Do you want to meet later?
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