5 класс.
Прочитайте текст и вставьте в него пропущенные слова, одно слово останется лишнее.
СЛОВА: are, is, far, football, good, games, house, likes, twelve, teaches, very.
My friend Pete is 1)_____. He lives not 2)_____ from my house in a new tall house with seventeen floors. We usually play together in the garden. Pete 3)_____ to play football. He plays it 4)_____ well. I don't play football well, so Pete sometimes 5)_____ me how to play it. There 6)_____ two football teams in our garden-one lives in my 7)_____ and the other lives in Pete,s house. But Pete and I play in one team because we are very 8)_____ friends. Our team usually wins 9)_____, but the other team can be winners too. It 10)_____ interesting to play with them because there are a lot. (Team-команда, win-выигрывать).
Помогите пожалуйста! Заранее большое спасибо)


Ответ дал: perevoznyukv

2) far 
3) likes 
4) very 
5) teaches 
6) are 
7) house 
8) good 
9) games 
10) is 

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