ДАЮ 25 БАЛЛОВ!!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Задание: What will they do next time? Complete each sentence with the verb form (вставьте слова). Clare' s parents went shopping yesterday.They (1) *** shopping on Friday,too. Celia and Oliver spent at the zoo on Saturday.And on Sunday they (2) *** four hours in the park. Paul played football three times last week.And he (3) *** football three times next week,too. Stuart swam in the river on holiday last summer.Next summer he (4) *** in the lake. Last weekend the Atinsons were on the farm.Next week they (5) *** on the farm, too.


Ответ дал: kristikiso
1.will go
3.will be playing
4.will swim
5.will be
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