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Ответ дал: PROzharka
1. Children liked spending time, playing there.
2. There was winter in the Giant's garden in spring, summer and autumn.
3. Because he built a wall around his garden.
4. He saw a green tree, a bird in it and a boy under the tree in one corner of his garden.
5. He helped the boy to get up on the tree and said:"Now it is your garden".
6. I like his character. At the beginning he thinks only about his garden and flowers, but then he understands that children are the most important flowers. That moment makes him a positive character.

nikeairmax777: Спасибо!
PROzharka: Да не за что)
nikeairmax777: А что за ответ во 2 вопросе?
PROzharka: В смысле?
nikeairmax777: Уже все спс
nikeairmax777: А можно ещё 3 задание выполните, там нужно похожее сделать как в тексте
PROzharka: Ну, там же то же самое, что в тексте написано. Пересказ, грубо говоря.
nikeairmax777: Нам учитель сказал чтобы похожее составили
PROzharka: Так переделайте немножко. Типо Once upon a time children were playing in the Giant's garden . One day he became angry at them and built a wall around the garden. But it was winter in his garden every season. Типо такогою
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