Упражнение 3
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1. They began talking avout the meeting that (take place) the day before.
2. By eight o`clock John (lock) the rooms.
3.They seemed not to understand what Nelly (say)
4. He tought that the vtravelers (to get off) at one of the stations.
5 The weather which (to be) good up to then changed.
6. He asked her how she (spend) her holidays.
7. He said he (have) a tiring day
8. It was many years since I last (see) her.
9. When he ()come to see me I (to look throught) all the newspapers.
10. By that time the train (to pass) the Volga river.
11. I told him that I (never, smoke).
12. I (not yet, do) half the work when he came.


Ответ дал: perevoznyukv
1. They began talking avout the meeting that took place the day before.
2. By eight o`clock John had locked the rooms. 
3.They seemed not to understand what Nelly had said.
4. He thought that the travellers had got off at one of the stations. 
5 The weather which had  been good up to them changed.
6. He asked her how she had spent her holidays.
7. He said he had had  a tiring day
8. It was many years since I had last seen her. 
9. When he came to see me I had  looked through all the newspapers.
10. By that time the train had  passed the Volga river.
11. I told him that I had never smoked.
12. I had not yet done half the work when he came.

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