Проверьте текст пожалуста на грамматические и лексические значения.И напишите исправленный вариант  For my survey , I asked 20 cadets in my school questions about food. These are my questions : 1.What do you eat for supper? 2.What do you drink for all day? 3.What is your favourite food ? These are results : 1)On a question at number 1, 75 percent interrogated answered that prefer healthy food (40 percent of grain with a garnish and 35 percent of porridge). However other 25 percent give a prefer to food of fast preparation, they don't care of the health. 2) On a question at number 2, 60 percent interrogated answered that prefer natural drinks (30 percent for water and 30 percent for tea). But other 40 percent prefer drinks from chemistry (a stake, Fanta and others), they also don't care of the health. 3) On a question at number 3, 40 percent interrogated answered that prefer house to food (it no wonder), others 25 speak that their favourite food is pizza (yes, it really tasty, 20 percent prefer fast food and at last 15 percent speak that their favourite food cadet (probably for fun)


Ответ дал: alicekimpinski

В первом вопросе ответь In question number 1 и в скобках пиши 40 percent PREFER grain...

И в последующих in question...и в последующих пиши 30 percent PREFER


а так все хорошо))

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