Помогите с 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 номерами.нужно открыть скобки, а потом составить отрицание и вопрос



Ответ дал: shakhggggggg
2. She taught us last year 
She didn't teach us last year
Did she teach us last year ?
3. The weather was sunny yesterday
The weather wasn't sunny yesterday
was the weather sunny yesterday ?
4. He could play tennis last year
 He couldn't play tennis last year
Could he play tennis last year ?
5. They bought the present yesterday
They didn't buy the present yesterday
Did they buy the present yesterday ?
6. Pam gave me this book four days ago
Pam didn't give me this book four days ago
Did Pam give me this book four days ago ? 

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