плиз срочно нужно
даю 10 баллов 2 и 3


Аноним: это какой класс?
Аноним: просто инт
krut050: 7 класс
Аноним: ок
krut050: можеш решить


Ответ дал: Zihuatanejo

1 - c
2 - a
3 - e
4 - b
5 - f
6 - d


1. It's a special event at Edinburgh Castle where more than 200 musicians play every August.
2. World Bagpipe Championships are celebrated in Glasgow.
3. Music is obligatory at school until Year 10.
4. You can mix different instruments with it.
5. People call it 'The Land of Song' because because choirs are very popular there and lots of Welsh people love singing.
6. It's the biggest competitive music festival in Europe.

krut050: спс
Zihuatanejo: Пожалуйста
krut050: го в друзья
krut050: а ты можеш перевести первый текст
krut050: плиз
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