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mumuminecraft: Щя Подожди
mumuminecraft: Напиши все печатном я помгу картинки у меня не работают
1973567: you like to sweater, .....
1973567: they wear fur coats in winter, ...
1973567: we buy socks
1973567: третье не правильно
1973567: we buy socks in shoe shops, ...
1973567: she wears jeans, ...
1973567: he goes to the South, ...
1973567: it suits me well, ...


Ответ дал: mumuminecraft
You like the sweater, don't you? They wear fur coats in winter, don't they? We buy socks in shoe shops, don't we? She wears jeans, doesn't she? He goes to the South, doesn't he? It suits me well, doesn't it? He doesn't know the boy's name, does he? Your parents don't call you Bob, do they? Your friends don't take photos, do they?

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