Переделать предложения из прямой речи в косвенную:
1. The office manager: “Have you translated the letter, Nancy?”
2. Mr Blake: “Do our goods meet your requirements, Mr Voronin?”
3. Mr Voronin: “Are you heavy with orders now, Mr Blake?”
4. Susan: “Did you enjoy the film' Kate?”
5. Jim: “Will you pick me up at 3?”
6. Lavrov: “Can I get to Brighton by car?”
7. The director: “Have you made an appointment with the businessmen of CT, Jane?”
8. Pete: “Will you go skiing in the mountains in February, Andy?” 9. Mrs Thomson: “Have you seen any films with Madonna, Sher- lie?” 10. Mr Black: “Have you discussed the payment terms with the Russian businessmen, Jack?”


Ответ дал: vikatish
1. The office manager asked Nancy whether she had translated the letter.  2. Mr Blake asked Mr Voronin if our goods met his requirement. 3. Mr Voronin asked Mr Blake if he was heavy with orders then.  4. Susan asked Kate if she had enjoyed the film.  5. Jim asked me whether I would pick him up at 3.  6. Lavrov asked if he could get to Brighton by car.  7. The director asked Jane if I had made an appointment with the businessmen of CT.  8. Pete asked Andy if he would go skiing in the mountains in February. 9. Mrs Thomson asked Sherlie if she had seen any films with Madonna. 10. Mr Black asked Jack if he had discussed the payment terms with the Russian businessmen.
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